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For international students

Company description and employment information for international students

Kitamura Corporation

Active Recruiting Construction Management Engineer Candidates

Our job supports Shikoku's infrastructure.
We are engaged in civil engineering business, focusing on public works and subcontracted work from major general contractors since our foundation in Kagawa in 1916.
We have decided to actively recruit non-Japanese employees considering the current situation where excellent non-Japanese employees are active in the industry.
You would be able to be widely active when working with us.
We expect you to act as front-line worker to manege Southeast Asians, the number of whom coming to Japan to participate in technical intern training program and specified skilled worker program has been increasing.
Furthermore, we expect young non-Japanese employees of digital native generation to promote the introduction of new machines and software since digital transformation is progressing in the construction industry.
In the future, we would like you to establish our subsidiary in your country, or act as partner when contracting overseas projects.
Our workplace is cozy, and there is no strict hierarchical relationship specific to the industry.
Our job is worthwhile since we can directly contribute to the development of the local community and society by developing life-line essential to people's lives, such as roads, riverbanks, and water supplies, and saving people's lives and safety.
Why not revitalizing Shikoku with us?

Business Description

We are engaged in civil engineering business, focusing on public works and subcontracted work from major general contractors.
We are one of the most traditional companies in the industry in Kagawa with 105 year history.
Most of the work is road construction, disaster prevention/recovery works on rivers and mountains, and construction of reservoirs and water supply and sewerage systems which is important infrastructure for people in Kagawa where there is a high possibility of water shortage.
We have relatively many young employees in the industry, and we develop people with skilled specialist capabilities such as construction management engineers to mainly act as supervisory function at construction sites.
Currently, most of the work is from municipalities and Kagawa prefecture, but we are aiming to be involved in large-scale projects from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc.

 Company Information

Company name Kitamura Corporation
Representative Representative Director Mayako Kitamura
Address 1122, Higashiyamasaki-cho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa 763-0312 Japan
Tel: +81-87-847-8080
Capital 20 million yen

270 million yen

Number of employees 14
Founded January 1953

 Terms of employment

Basic salary 200,000 yen ~ 240,000 yen per month
Qualifications allowance 5,000 yen ~ 20,000 yen per month
(2nd and 1st class civil engineering works execution managing engineer.
Possible to get certified after joining the company)

Residential space available on the second floor of the head office
(out-of-pocket payments: rent 10,000 yen + utilities per month)
Required academic qualifications of a bachelor's degree or higher (humanities or science)
Preferred construction-related faculties
Equivalent to Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2
Possible to get certified after joining the company
Being paid for the part of the cost such as getting certified